Av. Domingo Olivera 343 CP C1407IND
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
4674-4501 4672-4879 E-Mail: info@falconhelmets.com


Select the chosen helmet clicking on the image or the text.

In the next page you will see a detailed description of the chosen helmet and the available sizes and colours and posible combinations.

After selecting the helmet click on the Add to the Basket button.

In this window you will see a detailed description of your purchase and you will also be able to:

a) Add the number of items you want to buy.
b) Cancel your purchase, selecting Detach and then clicking on the text describing your purchase.
c) Confirm your purchase, clicking on the Update Basket button.
d) Continue shopping, clicking on the Continue Shopping button.
e) Finally buy your helmet,clicking on the Perform Order button.

If you have not been registered yet you will perfom the registration process. Otherwise you will go to the Ways of Payment window where you will select the means of payment, the shipping options and the place of delivery. Once this information is completed you should click the Continue button.

You will see the last window where you will confirm your purchase.